Why Clients Select Tahzoo?

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”  

– Helen Keller 

Hi Everyone, 


Why do our clients select Tahzoo? We work with large companies, and they can choose to work with anyone and yet they choose Tahzoo. Have you ever asked yourself why? 


We compete on our ability to demonstrate and inspire confidence in others. Inspiring confidence is a by-product of trust, which begins with shared beliefs and experiences. I always say that trust is a function of consistency over time. That is why it’s so important to be thoughtful and timely with your work. 


Choosing a consulting partner represents a lot of risk for the stakeholders involved. We must be aware of that risk, recognize and acknowledge it and most importantly inspire confidence through questions, answers, and conversation. Find things in common with your client. How do you get people to want to know you better? The best way to start the conversation is to be interested in someone, just remember “Interested in Interesting”. 


To begin any of these conversations, you must establish ethos. What are your credentials, how are you or Tahzoo in any way qualified to discuss subjects, the project, or the issue at hand? How or why are we qualified or capable of solving a particular problem? It doesn’t matter if you’re representing Microsoft or Google or Boeing airplanes, it matters who you are, what experiences you have, what you know, and what resources you can bring to bear. People buy from people they feel comfortable with and trust. 


When presenting a solution to a client, you’ll inevitably run into questions and concerns. In traditional sales training, they call it “overcoming objections” and in the consulting world we aren’t trying to simply overcome objections, we are sharing a problem with our client and creating a vision of how, together, we are going to solve the problem or achieve the objective. You are in the business of building relationships and delivering for your clients. 


How are you different than your colleagues and clients? How are you the same? What makes you the most qualified to give perspective or advice? It’s up to you to provide yourself with the process of finding out… I am so grateful that you are at Tahzoo to add your unique, interesting, and brilliant self to the problems that our clients face. No two days are the same, and no two problems are the same, but we are uniquely equipped with the collective experiences of the team so that we can bring in the best resources to help fix problems. One of our core values is we want to work with interesting people who are interested in change… what are you interested in changing? Let’s figure it out together! I am so proud of each and every one of you! 


Let’s go be great! 
