“It’s not where you start – It’s where you finish that counts.”
–Zig Ziglar
Hi Everyone,
Halloween is rapidly approaching, for those of you with children have some fun. I love the beginning of the holiday season and frankly, I can’t believe it’s almost November. I am reminded of how important it is to finish strong. We have several client projects wrapping up, so please make sure you focus and end them on a high note. We also have several new projects that are about to close and will be starting shortly, which will be a nice way to finish out the year.
Our business ebbs and flows, and our Contentstack partnership is blossoming quite nicely. Thank you to those of you who have recently achieved your certifications. I noticed that Sarah and Jack both passed tests this week, great job!
Lexi and the marketing team have done a wonderful job driving a marketing
campaign focused on structured content. Given the expertise we have in the
company, and our success at FAF and Deloitte auditing, DITA and structured
solutions are right in our wheelhouse. I’ve included some links for you to share on your LinkedIn accounts. Let’s drive some awareness around Tahzoo’s capabilities. It’s not good enough to be the best, clients need to know about us too.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Let’s go be great!