“Write it on your heat that every day is the best day in the year.” 

– Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Hi Everyone, 

The last couple of years have been challenging for Tahzoo and this last year has been very challenging for me personally. I’ve always thought about life and personal relationships like a series of hills and valleys, sometimes large mountains, and grand plateaus. During the difficult times in my life, I remind myself to just keep pushing forward one step at a time, one day at a time. During the good times, I remind myself to enjoy my circumstance and be grateful for my good fortune. 

When I was younger, during difficult times, I’d regularly ask myself,” when will this end?” Kind of like a kid on a car ride that says, “are we there yet, are we there yet?” Eventually, I learned that this only increased my anxiety and suffering. As I got older, I began to learn how to take the long view, that I may go through tough years, not just tough months, or tough days, and that it’s okay. The goal in life is not that you avoid the difficult times, it’s that you press forward and continue to persevere. Now I’d like to say that one of the secrets is knowing where you’re going… but in my experience, that isn’t always possible. 

I was fortunate to read a book called Siddhartha by Herman Hess when I was in my late teens and early twenties. It’s a story that chronicles the life and journeys of a man named Siddhartha who is seeking spiritual enlightenment. If you’re in one of those places in life where you’re trying to figure out where you are going or what matters to you, I highly recommend this book. It’s easy reading but the topics are profound. There are many points to this book but for the purposes of today’s DOB, it’s that Siddhartha kept going until he found what he was looking for – enlightenment. 

I am looking forward to 2023 and I’m hopeful that it will be more of a grand plateau than another mountain to climb, but only time will tell.  What I am committed to is working on improving myself and our company by focusing on accountability. I’ve said frequently you get what you inspect, not what you expect. I would encourage all of you to embrace the idea that I want to see and understand your work. I want to know more about the relationships you’re building with our clients and how you are creating a collaborative working environment. We have some fantastic opportunities to do work that will positively impact the lives of millions of people. Without the mountains of 2022, the opportunities of 2023 would not be possible. Your full participation and commitment to our clients and your colleagues are essential to realizing our full potential. 

I wish all of you a Happy New Year! Enjoy the weekend, be safe, and look forward to a fantastic 2023! 

Let’s go be great! 
