Symphony of Efficiency – Tahzoo

“Businesses that grow by development and improvement do not die.”
— Henry Ford

Hi Everyone,

I watched the movie The Founder with Michael Keaton, great movie, I highly
recommend it. It’s the story of McDonalds and how Ray Kroc took a great idea and built one of the largest fast-food chains in the world. There are many lessons in the movie, but one stood out to me that I want to discuss.

The two brothers who started the original burger joint, had an obsession with
perfecting the quality of the food by focusing on every aspect of the coordination between people and the operating environment. It was the precision by which the restaurant was run that was the secret of their success. They developed an operating model that was called the speedy system.

One scene in particular was striking to me. The two brothers took their team to a tennis court and drew out a map of the restaurant with chalk, then practiced operating the restaurant with the new layout. They worked through many variations of the restaurant layout until the perfected a symphony of efficiency.

That is what I want for Tahzoo… a symphony of efficiency. How are we going to do this? First, I want to remind everyone that the pursuit of excellence is an everyday process, not an event. We established the Tahzoo Way to codify our standard operating procedure however, that was during a time most of our solutions were customer implementations of SDL Tridion. I realize that we have a lot of documentation and detail in Teams and SharePoint. Many times, I hear that we “already have that”, which is great. Now we need to pull it all together and start again on the Tahzoo Way. We need our own Speedy System.

Let’s go be great!
