Improve Meetings

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”  

– Edward Everett Hale 

Hi Everyone, 


As we continue to move the company to an interdisciplinary way of working, I wanted to touch on communication and the importance of equal time allocation for all team members to contribute within meetings. Google conducted an extensive study around the efficacy of teams called Project Aristotle. The study was extensive, and data driven, . Please take some time to read through this and review it, it is very interesting. One of the more interesting conclusions is that a team of very smart, high performers does not guarantee an effective team. The manner and style of working within the team were much more predictive of its success. 


In today’s DOB, we are just going to focus on the importance of meetings and collaboration amongst a team. Meetings play a pivotal role in team collaboration, decision-making, and problem-solving. However, the effectiveness of meetings relies not only on their structure and purpose but also on ensuring equal participation from all team members. Google’s Project Aristotle sheds light on the importance of creating equal amounts of time for each team member to contribute during meetings. 


Promoting Psychological Safety 


One of the key insights is the significance of psychological safety in driving team performance. Psychological safety refers to an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas, sharing their perspectives, and taking risks without fear of judgment or retribution. Equal time allocation in meetings plays a vital role in promoting psychological safety. When every team member is given an equal opportunity to contribute, it creates a sense of equity, respect, and inclusion. This fosters an atmosphere of trust and encourages individuals to express their thoughts, enabling a free flow of ideas and diverse viewpoints. 


Harnessing Diverse Perspectives 


Diversity of thought is a cornerstone of innovation and problem-solving within teams. Each team member brings their unique background, experiences, and expertise to the table. Organizations unlock the potential of diverse perspectives by providing equal time for each individual to contribute during meetings. When everyone’s voice is heard and valued, it leads to a more comprehensive exploration of ideas, alternative solutions, and different approaches to challenges. This rich exchange of perspectives stimulates creativity, opens up new avenues of thinking, and enhances the team’s collective intelligence. 


Ensuring Active Engagement and Ownership 


Equal time allocation in meetings promotes active engagement and a sense of ownership among team members. When individuals are given their fair share of time to contribute, it demonstrates that their opinions matter and are valued. This cultivates a greater sense of responsibility and commitment toward the team’s goals and outcomes. Each team member feels empowered to actively participate, share insights, and take on responsibilities, leading to a more collaborative and productive meeting environment. 


Mitigating the Pitfalls of Groupthink 


Groupthink is a phenomenon where teams prioritize consensus and conformity over critical thinking and diverse perspectives. This can stifle creativity, hinder problem-solving, and lead to flawed decision-making. By ensuring equal time allocation for each team member in meetings, organizations can mitigate the risks of groupthink. When individuals have the opportunity to voice their ideas and challenge prevailing opinions, it fosters a culture of intellectual curiosity, constructive debate, and healthy skepticism. This helps teams avoid blind spots, consider a broader range of possibilities, and arrive at more robust and informed decisions. 


Building an Inclusive Work Culture 


Creating equal time for team member contributions in meetings aligns with the values of inclusivity and fairness. It sends a powerful message that every team member’s perspective is valuable, irrespective of their position or seniority. This approach fosters an inclusive work culture where diverse voices are heard and respected. It encourages collaboration, nurtures a sense of belonging, and enhances overall employee satisfaction and engagement. An inclusive work culture not only attracts and retains diverse talent but also fosters innovation and creativity by leveraging the collective wisdom of the team. 


Increasing Meeting Efficiency and Effectiveness 


Equal time allocation in meetings contributes to improved efficiency and effectiveness. When every team member is given a designated amount of time to contribute, it ensures a balanced distribution of speaking opportunities. This reduces the risk of some members dominating the discussion while others remain passive or unheard. Additionally, equal time allocation encourages participants to prepare and organize their thoughts in advance, leading to more focused and productive discussions. Meetings become more streamlined, time-efficient, and result-oriented, maximizing the utilization of resources, and contributing to overall team productivity. 


As we move towards an interdisciplinary style of working, we will have to adjust our habits and definitions of success in our work together. At the end of my leadership meeting each week, we rate the meeting on a scale of 1 to 10 based on the quality of the meeting. I’d like to suggest that for the next two weeks, everyone try to do this after each meeting. At the end of this experiment, we’ll talk on a Monday or Friday call about how we can make this an organizational habit. 


We create an organizational habit of doing the same thing at the end of each meeting. Make sure that not only do you rate efficacy but also how well the team did providing equal time for everyone in attendance to contribute. 


Let’s go be great! 

