Author: Brad Heidemann
Being Proud As A Company
Hi Everyone, What are you most proud of achieving in your career or life? Please take a moment to reflect on that feeling and how it improved your self-esteem. You worked hard, cared for your work, and overcame obstacles. According to Cambridge Dictionary, pride is defined as “a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you…
It’s Not A Train
Hi Everyone, As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that my first emotional response to a situation was sometimes wrong, or more often, incomplete. However, that doesn’t change the intensity of the feelings that I have at the moment. Our emotions are powerful motivators to action and can get the best of us if we don’t…
Keep On And Carry On
Hi Everyone, Oh my gosh, it’s so nice to write to you in the New Year. I hope everyone had an excellent holiday and had a chance to unwind. As my dad would say, “it’s been tough sledding the last couple of months.” I’m sure everyone enjoyed the break. I am proud of how well…
Lessons Learned in 2020
Hi Everyone, This will be the last Desk of Brad I send in 2020. Tomorrow is January 1st, 2021!!! It could not come soon enough. Wow, I mean, wow, what a year it’s been! I’ve been around longer than most of you (but not that much longer), and it’s safe to say that we’ve never…
Lessons Learned in 2020
Hi Everyone, This will be the last Desk of Brad I send in 2020. Tomorrow is January 1st, 2021!!! It could not come soon enough. Wow, I mean, wow, what a year it’s been! I’ve been around longer than most of you (but not that much longer), and it’s safe to say that we’ve never…
The Most Important Metric: Employee Satisfaction
Hello Everyone, Happy Holidays!!! I know it’s been a tough year, and I trust that each of you will find time to connect with family and friends, even if it’s over Zoom. There are a lot of ways to look at the company’s performance. As I say all the time, employee satisfaction is one of…
Responsibility and Resolution
Dear Team, Thank you for a good week, everyone. We are making significant progress on several fronts. We need to focus on making our deadlines and taking good care of clients as our top priority. It’s been a year of difficult challenges and we had some big wins. Let’s focus on finishing the year strong…
Responsibility and Resolution
Dear Team, Thank you for a good week, everyone. We are making significant progress on several fronts. We need to focus on making our deadlines and taking good care of clients as our top priority. It’s been a year of difficult challenges and we had some big wins. Let’s focus on finishing the year strong…
Q4 Wrap-Ups and MarketerCX
Hi Everyone, It’s the end of another busy week at Tahzoo! We’re continuing to see momentum from our customers and prospects as Q4 wraps up, and it seems that many organizations are beginning to become ‘unstuck’ as they forge ahead into 2021. Perhaps it’s the hope for new vaccines becoming available, the clarity on the…
Being Thankful About The Better Things
Hi Everyone, I trust that you had a safe and restful Thanksgiving Day, that it was full of gratefulness. Although we’ve been through a lot this year, we have also been quite fortunate. As the holiday season begins in earnest, let’s try to be mindful of the grace and blessings in our lives. I know it’s been a…